Multi Fuel Outdoor Stoker Boiler Furnace from Portage & Main
By Portage & Main
Call for Pricing - 1-866-837-0401
- SKU:
- ML32
Financing Available!
This multi-fuel boiler gives you the option to burn either coal or pellets. It will burn 1/3 to 1/2 less fuel than any other conventional outdoor boilers. The auger feed system connected to an optional Silo, provides the convenience of having an efficient outdoor boiler that operates for extended periods of time without any user input. Fill the Silo with an entire heating season of fuel and maintenance is reduced to a 5-minute cleaning every couple of weeks. The Stoker series burns coal, wood pellets, oat hulls, grass pellets, sunflower hulls, cherry pits – basically any biomass that will flow with an auger feed or bin - it even removes its own ashes. Heats, 3,000 to 30,000 sq. ft. Also available without a Silo.
No daily filling required
The auto-feed systems lend themselves well to buying your fuel in bulk which saves money - fill your bin once every season.
Peace of mind, safety and convenience
Unlike an indoor stove, their is no fire hazard inside your home, no messy fuel, ashes or smoke. Fire insurance premiums have event been known to decrease.
Easy to use
The water temperature is controlled with an easy to read aquastat, including display features. Surfaces are insulated or water cooled for safe operation
Benefits for you and the environment
Minimize the use of expensive fossil fuels such as natural gas, propane, fuel oil and electricity. Reduce dependency on foreign oil and keep your energy dollars circulation in your local economy.
Note to the consumer: There are various Government imposed Air Quality Regulations as well as Building Codes across Canada that have guidelines in regards to the installation of wood, pellet/biomass boilers. Before purchasing any of these products you should consult with your local building, bylaw departments as well as your home insurance company.