M-Line Marine Alloy Heat Exchangers:
Salt Water Pool Heat Exchangers
M-Line heat exchangers are a line of completely welded heat exchangers
made entirely of a super austentic marine alloy. Its compact structure is an
integration of innovative material with detailed engineering for effective
use with high fluid velocities and low pressure drops, designed specifically
for salt water pool applications.
The versatility of this robust straight tube design covers a
comprehensive range of capacities, suitable for all residential
and commercial pool applications.
-Salt water pools, spas, hot tubs
- Transmission and engine coolers
-Marine Oil coolers
-Boiler sample coolers
-Waste water heat recovery
Standard Materials:
Nicrom 24
Super austentic (low carbon, high purity, nitrogen bearing) alloy
Maximum Working Pressure:
Up to 150 PSI (1.03 MPa)
Maximum Working Temperature:
Up to 406 °F (208°C
Up to 406 °F (208°C

Nominal values are based on 60°C(40°F) temp. diff. between incoming heating and heated water